How to make ESI payments with BizPilot?

How to make ESI payments with BizPilot?

Employees’ State Insurance Act 1948 mandates subscription of all employees for this scheme availing their medical care and other benefits. 

ESI provides employees with financial assistance to replace their salary losses due to health conditions. It is a self-financing scheme instructing employees and employers to make a regular contribution to the scheme at a particular percentage of their salaries. 

When the date for ESI payment is close, you will receive a notification in the My Compliance section. You can make the same with the help of the following steps. 

Procedure to make ESI Payment 

When you see the notification to make an ESI payment, click on Make payment to begin the process. 

On the next page, you will see the following details regarding your ESI payment. 

Visit the TIN NSDL Portal and select Challan No. 285 to make an online ESI payment. 

You can click on Help to see the step-by-step procedure for paying ESI. 

Once you make the payment, come back to BizPilot, upload the payment confirmation receipt here, and click Submit to finish the process. 

Easier Method 

BizPilot can handle compliance tasks like making ESI payments for your business if you opt for this service at the onboarding time. 

In this case, you will still receive the notification. However, you do not have to go through the tedious procedure. Instead, the notification will ask you to make the payment (respective ESI charges) to BizPilot and complete the process. Then, we will complete the ESI payment process and submit the challan to you.

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